Anisha D’Souza

Pilates Instructor

(Wheelock Place, The American Club)

Yerin had always been passionate about ballet, having majored in it from an early age. Her journey into Pilates began unexpectedly due to an injury that momentarily paused her dance routine. This unforeseen event opened a new door, leading her to discover the abundant benefits of Pilates, a practice she incorporated steadily into her lifestyle since her teenage years.

Yerin's exploration of the dance world was expansive, taking her beyond ballet into realms of modern dance, musical theatre, and even the rhythmic intensity of African dance. However, the physical demand of these activities wasn't without consequence. The injuries she accumulated over time were stabilized through the restorative power of Pilates.

Since earning her first certificate, Yerin continued to enrich her knowledge and practice. She sought out various workshops and further certification, her thirst for learning never quenched. 


Yerin firmly believed in the transformative energy of physical movement. When she sweated, she felt as though all negative energy was being purged from her system, creating a sense of liberation and renewal. She experienced firsthand the therapeutic effects, the dynamic energy that Pilates imbued in her. Now, her desire was to share these benefits, this unique form of healing and vitality, with others.


어렸을 때부터 발레를 전공으로 했던 저는 부상으로 인해 필라테스를 처음 접하게 되었습니다. 부상으로 인해 시작한 필라테스의 효과를 깨닫고 10 때부터 꾸준히 필라테스를 해왔습니다. 현대무용, 뮤지컬, 아프리카 댄스 여러가지 춤에 관련한 활동을 해왔고, 그때마다 있던 부상에 필라테스로 안정을 찾고, 자격증을 취득한 이후로 지금까지 다양한 워크숍과 자격증 취득하고 있습니다.

모든 부정적인 에너지는 몸을 바로 움직이며 땀을 흘릴 사라진다고 생각합니다. 제가 느낀 필라테스의 효과와 치유, 다이나믹한 에너지를 함께 나누고 싶습니다.


Areas of Expertise:

  • Pilates for Beginners

    Pilates for Dancers

    Pilates for Posture and Core Strength

    Pilates in Korean


Education and Training:

  •  KPEE Rehab Pilates Training element course Pilates Certificate of Mat, Small equipment pilates, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair,

    Barrel (2019)

    Seoul Art University Master's Degree (2020)

    Jazz Art Dancer (Capetown 2023)

    Rehabilitaion course (KEFA, 2023)


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