Kenzie (Kyeonglyeong) KIM  김경령

Pilates Instructor

(Bukit Timah)

김경령 강사는 한국무용과 한국전통 음악을 전공했습니다. 한국 전통 예술가로서 활동하였고 이때부터 체력 단련을 위한 트레이닝, 부상을 당했을 때 필요한 재활운동을 공부하기 시작했습니다.

 그녀는 요가 강사, 피트니스 트레이너로 일하면서 예술가들에게 웨이트 트레이닝과 부상 예방을 위한 트레이닝을 훈련시켰습니다. 더불어 필라테스를 공부하며 필라테스가 부상 예방, 재활에 관련하여 많은 도움을 주는 것으 느꼈습니다.

 건강한 신체가 삶을 행복하게 만들어 줍니다. 꾸준히 운동을 공부하며 많은 사람들에게 좋은 에너지를 주고 싶습니다.


Kenzie majored in Korean traditional dance and music in college. While working as a traditional Korean artist, she started studying and training in physical fitness and rehabilitation exercises. These came in handy when she got injured and needed rehabilitation.

Soon after, she became a Yoga instructor and a fitness trainer which gave her the opportunity to train fellow artists in weight training and injury prevention. In addition, when she studied Pilates, she felt that it greatly aided many people in injury prevention and rehabilitation.

Kenzie continues to steadily seek more knowledge in fitness and exercises. She believes that a healthy body makes a happy life. With her passion for fitness, she wants to exude positive energy to people around her.

Areas of Expertise:

  • - Pilates for Beginners & Intermediate
  • - Pilates for Fitness
  • - Myofascial Release
  • - Post-Rehabilitation
  • - Posture Improvement

Education and Training:

  • - Modern Pilates Certified Instructor (Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, and Barrel)
    - Pilates Rehabilitation Instructor
    - K-SPO Sports Instructor level 2: Bodybuilding
    - International Yoga Instructor / Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Instructor
    - ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer
    - World Natural Grand Prix of Korea: Bikini Fitness Top 4
    - YIDAM Korean Traditional Art Corporation (Position of Player)
    - CAU Korean Traditional Dance/ Music Diploma for Graduate


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